Policy Studies

Civil Society Series: Delaware Pathways

Key Points

Pathways participants earn both professional certifications and college credits, making themselves both college- and career-ready by the time they receive their diplomas.
In only five years, Delaware has established 25 distinct Pathways, each one leading to a career in a well-paying, high-growth profession. In six years, Delaware is on track to have one-half of its public high school students enrolled in a Pathways curriculum.
Pathways requires businesses to rethink their traditional training and recruitment models. Establishing a pipeline of career-ready employees starts well before college — in high school and even at the middle-school level.

We think of Delaware as the poster child for pathways nationally. (Delaware) put together a coalition that cut across agencies — public, pirate and nonprofit. In most states, it’s a government activity only.

— Robert B. Schwartz, professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education and founder, Jobs for the Future

Press release: New Report Shows Pathways to a Brighter Future in Delaware

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