Support R Street

The R Street Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy research organization. Our mission is to engage in policy research and outreach to promote free markets and limited, effective government. In addition to our D.C. headquarters, we have offices in California, Georgia, Ohio and Texas. We work extensively on both state and national policy, and focus on issues that other groups tend to neglect. Our specialty is tackling issues that are complex, but do not necessarily grab major headlines. While we primarily align naturally with center-right values and limited government policy solutions, we work effectively with an ideologically wide range of groups and are uniquely capable of building consensus across the political spectrum. Our motto is “Free markets. Real solutions.”

Your donation helps us pursue our mission and work across the country.

Learn more about R Street here.

Ginny Mansour, Director, Business Development (Bio.)

Regan Ferrell, Senior Specialist, Business Development (Bio.)

Kara Stoller, Senior Manager, Business Development (Bio.)

Jade Kling, Manager, Business Development (Bio.)


To contact the Development team and support R Street, please e-mail Ginny Mansour, Director of Business Development,

All donations made to the R Street Institute are tax-deductible as provided by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. R Street’s tax ID # is 26–3477125.

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