2024 Impact Report: Integrated Harm Reduction

Follow our harm reduction policy work.

What policy areas most interest you?

Event: Tobacco Harm Reduction for Veterans
Event: Losing a Child to Overdose Drove These Parents to Fight for More Humane Drug Laws
Event: Making Syringe Services Work in Red States
Event: New Approaches to Tobacco Smoking Cessation Among People Who Use Drugs
Event: Breaking Through: Promoting HIV Harm Reduction to Skeptical Audiences
Event: The Case for Expanded Methadone Access
Debunking Myths with Dr. Jeffrey Smith | Vaping Unplugged Podcast Ep 52

The R Street Institute leads the Safer from Harm coalition, which brings together a diverse network of organizations and individuals dedicated to advancing all forms of harm reduction in public policy. Coalition members include:

The R Street Institute’s Integrated Harm Reduction program is grounded in the understanding that “abstinence only” approaches to behaviors that carry health risks are ineffective at the population level.

Mazen Saleh, Harm Reduction Policy Director (Bio.)

Chelsea Boyd, Resident Research Fellow (Bio.)

Stacey McKenna, Resident Senior Fellow (Bio.)

Jeffrey S. Smith, Resident Senior Fellow (Bio.)

Jessica Shortall, Strategic Partnerships Lead & Safer From Harm Coalition Leader (Bio.)
