A Child’s Right to Counsel: Juvenile Public Defenders

Key Points

Juvenile public defenders are overworked and underpaid, but with additional training and shifts in the way we treat youth in the juvenile court system, this flawed system can be measurably improved and can help justice-involved youth.
Videoconferencing is a terrific use of technology to continue some communications, but public defenders must be cautious to ensure their clients maintain the right to private counsel. With third-party videoconferencing vendors, third-party access might affect attorney-client privilege.
Pre-arrest diversion is a key tool to not only provide better outcomes for justice-involved youth but also ensure more holistic access to counsel since juvenile public defenders caseloads will ultimately decrease. Also, keeping youth out of the justice system will ensure they are spared from the negative impacts of an arrest record.

Additional support is needed for juvenile public defenders to obtain necessary resources and build expertise, as these current deficiencies are negatively impacting youth within the criminal justice system.

Press release: An Investment in Juvenile Public Defenders Protects All of Our Children

Image credit: corgarashu

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