What We Can Learn from Midwest Bail System Change Efforts
Check out the recording:
- [Moderator] Lisel Petis, Senior Fellow, R Street Institute
- Micah Derry, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Adam Project
- Aiden Cotter, Senior Program Associate, Vera Institute for Justice
- Alison Shames, Director, Center for Effective Public Policy
- Tara Blair, Pretrial Subject Matter Expert & Consultant
Efforts to create bail system changes have become increasingly common in the Midwest. While some efforts have focused on the eradication of cash bail—as seen in Illinois—most Midwest states have taken a much more tempered approach, often gaining bipartisan support or even being championed by Republicans.
In this virtual panel, we will discuss the recent bail reform efforts in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois. We will explore proposed legislative changes, explain why such changes are needed and discuss concerns from the opposition. We will also examine some of the more contentious issues, such as how the proposed legislation addresses public safety and victim protections.
Please join us and key policy experts who have worked directly on these bail reform efforts for an in-depth conversation on different approaches to creating a more effective bail system. This panel is for policy experts, lobbyists, elected officials, legislative staff and anyone else in the bail reform space.
For further information about Ohio bail efforts last year, you can read more HERE.
For further information about Michigan bail efforts this year, you can read more HERE.