Taxpayers Can’t Afford Hefty Farm Handout Hike
May 17, 2024
The Honorable GT Thompson
House Committee on Agriculture
400 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable David Scott
Ranking Member
House Committee on Agriculture
468 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Chairman Thompson and Ranking Member Scott,
Our organizations have significant concerns about the current farm bill proposal and instead
urge you to develop a fiscally responsible farm bill that holds USDA accountable to the
generosity of the American taxpayer.
In particular, our organizations strongly oppose the proposal to increase farm subsidy reference prices by 10 to 20%. This proposed change to reference prices would overwhelmingly flow to already financially secure farm businesses at a time when net farm income is projected to be $116.1 billion.
At a time when our nation’s finances have never been more precarious, Congress must seek ways to reduce spending, limit federal distortions of markets, and improve subsidy transparency, not increase debt-financed spending. Congress should reject costly proposals which pick winners and losers, and which will only benefit the largest farmers growing a handful of crops.
Farmers are sophisticated and innovative business leaders who prosper from modern risk
management tools and open markets, not federal paternalism and increased dependence on
taxpayers. The Farm Bill must reflect this economic and fiscal reality.
See the original letter below with the list of signers: