Unpacking National Vaping Statistics

[Moderator] Jeff Smith, Resident Senior Fellow, Integrated Harm Reduction, R Street Institute

Annie Kleykamp, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Cheryl K. Olson, Consultant, Cheryl K. Olson Sc.D., LLC

Brad Rodu, Professor of Medicine, University of Louisville
Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS, also called e-cigarettes or vapes) have been widely available in the U.S. marketplace for over a decade. The media and public health agencies have made broad claims associated with the potential risks of these new products, pronouncing their role in both upticks in disease (EVALI, popcorn lung, etc.) and epidemics of use among youth. But industry and harm reduction advocates have touted ENDS products as a primary tool to help reduce smoking-related death and disease in this country and across the globe.
Now, with nearly 10 years of data and science behind us, what is the real truth about vaping? In this session, our experts will share what the data actually tell us about the potential of reduced-risk ENDS products and how they can help prevent the nearly 500,000 smoking-related deaths that occur in the United States each year.
Join us for an online discussion about what we know (and don’t know) about ENDS use in the United States, what the data say about the future of harm reduction efforts, and how appropriate oversight of the ENDS marketplace and effective communication of the data can save thousands of lives.