Pipelines and Property Rights: Are They in Conflict?
Pipelines provide a critical part of the country’s energy infrastructure. Yet, as with most forms of infrastructure, the process of building pipelines can be the source of controversy and conflict. From regulatory permitting delays to disputes over eminent domain, pipeline construction raises difficult political issues on how best to balance environmental protection, property rights, and our growing affordable energy needs.
R Street has gathered a panel of distinguished experts to address this topic, speaking from a variety of perspectives. Each panelist will have 10-15 minutes to speak, followed by a moderated question and answer session for the balance of time until 1pm.
Donald F. Santa
President & CEO, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America
David Bookbinder
Chief Counsel, Niskanen Center
William Murray
Energy Manager, R Street Institute
Josiah Neeley
Senior Fellow in Energy Policy, R Street Institute (Moderator)
Lunch will be provided as supplies last*
RSVP Here.