Pentagon Purse Strings Episode 8: Breaking Down the FY 2022 NDAA and What Comes Next
When: Sept. 23, 2021, 12:30 PM ET
Where: Virtual
- [Moderator] Jonathan Bydlak, Director of Governance, R Street Institute
- [Moderator] Andrew Lautz, Director of Federal Policy, National Taxpayers Union (NTU)
- Mandy Smithberger, Director of the Center for Defense Information, Project on Government Oversight (POGO)
- Wendy Jordan, Senior Policy Analyst, Taxpayers for Common Sense (TCS)
- Nan Swift, Resident Fellow, Governance Program, R Street Institute
As the House seeks to finalize work on its version of the annual defense funding bill—the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)—and the Senate looks ahead to both defense appropriations and authorizations measures, the Pentagon Purse String series returns for one final episode on what to expect for the defense budget in FY 2022 and beyond. Experts Mandy Smithberger of POGO, Wendy Jordan of TCS and Nan Swift of R Street Institute will join co-hosts Jonathan Bydlak of R Street and Andrew Lautz of NTU for a robust discussion on topline funding levels, unfunded priorities lists, efforts to cut or boost the defense topline and where defense spending debates may go in FY 2023 and beyond.
Join us for an exciting capstone conversation from the Pentagon Purse Strings series, which has previously featured four members of Congress, numerous former DoD officials, journalists, defense budget experts and more over seven episodes.