Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
The age of artificial intelligence is here. From predicting disease outbreaks to putting filters on our selfies, AI is already a part of our lives. While AI can help us address some of the world’s most pressing problems, it can also enable mass surveillance and discrimination.
To mitigate potential harms of AI, practitioners have frequently focused on ethics. Access Now invites you to an examination of the future of AI through a human rights lens.
This session will feature a brief presentation on Access Now’s upcoming report, “Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.” The report discusses how AI currently intersects with established human rights law and policy and how a human rights-based approach may mitigate some of AI’s harmful applications. We’ll then host a moderated panel discussion on ways experts from different sectors are planning for the increased development and use of AI.
Moderator: Greg Otto, Managing Editor, CyberScoop
Lindsey Andersen, Fellow, Access Now
Caleb Watney, Technology Policy Fellow, R Street Institute
Sasha Bernhard, Legislative Aide, Senator Cantwell
Nathalie Marechal, Senior Research Fellow, Ranking Digital Rights
Additional panelist to be confirmed
Drinks to follow. Registration is required for security.
Register here.