Time3:00PM — 5:00PM EST Location2168 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC, 20515
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Data Driven Justice: Prosecutorial Accountability & Transparency

Prosecutors are powerful players in the criminal legal system; they decide who will be charged, what plea bargains will be offered, and what punishments will be imposed. Despite this, prosecutorial decision-making is done with little transparency or accountability.

This month Connecticut became the first state to mandate the collection of prosecutorial decision-making data. Now the push comes to Congress.

Join us for a discussion on the state of the US court system and how technology can offer new solutions to ensure greater accountability and transparency within the criminal justice system.

RSVP Here.


Lars Trautman

Senior Fellow, Criminal Justice & Civil Liberties, R Street Institute

Robin Olsen

Senior Policy Associate, Urban Institute

Kevin Richards

Vice President, SAP

Kevin Lawlor

Connecticut Deputy State’s Attorney

Kristie Puckett-Williams

Impacted Person

Moderated by Prof. Alexandra Natapoff, Author of Punishment Without Crime

Closing Remarks by Nelson Bunn, National District Attorneys Association

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