Time1:00PM —
3:00PM EST Location1 Constitution Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC, 20002
Events hosted by others AND In-Person
Building the Pipeline: Auction Authority and Spectrum Allocation in the United States
Issues: Technology and Innovation, Telecom
- [Moderator] Jonathan Cannon, Policy Counsel, R Street Institute
- Brendan Carr, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission
- [Moderator] Jeffrey Westling, Director of Technology and Innovation Policy, American Action Forum
- Joe Kane, Director of Broadband and Spectrum Policy, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
- Roslyn Layton, PhD, Senior Vice President, Strand Consult
- Paroma Sanyal, Senior Consultant, Practice Co-Leader: Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment The Brattle Group
- Scott Bergmann, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, CTIA