Time1:00PM3:00PM EST Location1 Constitution Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC, 20002
Events hosted by others AND In-Person

Building the Pipeline: Auction Authority and Spectrum Allocation in the United States

When: November 14, 2022 1:00 PM ET Where:  Top of the Hill Banquet & Conference Center, 1 Constitution Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC 20002 [su_button url=”″ background=”#eb110e” color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ center=”yes”]Register Here[/su_button] Fireside Chat with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr featuring: Panel featuring: With seconds on the clock before a government shutdown, Congress passed a continuing resolution that included a renewal of the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) auction authority for 3 months. That’s a good start—but a longer-term extension is desperately needed, or the FCC’s auction authority will lapse. There are plenty of looming issues out there that need attention, including our global competitive position or a pipeline that includes a ready supply of licensed spectrum. The need for Congress to act wisely only intensifies as time goes on. Spectrum is a scare resource, and consumer demand is going nowhere but up. What are we doing to ensure spectrum is put to its best and highest use, and do we have enough spectrum to keep pace with demand and innovation? This event will explore these questions and more. [su_button url=”″ background=”#eb110e” color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ center=”yes”]Register Here[/su_button]

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