A Conversation on Cryptography with Jim Baker & Susan Landau
Jim Baker is the Director of National Security and Cybersecurity at the R Street Institute, a CNN legal analyst and a lecturer on law at Harvard Law School. He is also the former general counsel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (The views expressed in this talk are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of his current or former employers.)
This event is open to members of the Tufts Community. To RSVP, send an email to joshua.anderson@tufts.edu. Those who have RSVP’d will be notified of a final location in advance of the talk.
Room Number: TBD
Speaker Name: Jim Baker & Susan Landau
Seminar Title: A Conversation on Cryptography with Jim Baker & Susan Landau
Affiliation: Cybersecurity & Public Policy Program, Hitach Center for Technology and International Affairs
Event Web Site: sites.tufts.edu…
Admission ($): Free
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Event Contact: Josh Anderson
Event Contact Phone: 6469927784
Event Contact Email: joshua.anderson@tufts.edu
Fletcher Categories: Center/Institute/Programs, Speakers/Seminars/Conferences
More information here.