From Politico Morning Tech:

TECH GROUPS: NOT SO FAST ON FOSTA-SESTA: A coalition of tech and other groups is urging House and Senate leadership this morning to slow down before taking up a new version of anti-sex-trafficking legislation. The letter, signed by TechFreedom, Engine, FreedomWorks, Citizens Outreach, R Street Institute and the Committee for Justice, makes a plea to lawmakers: Think this through before it hits the House floor — which it’s slated to do next week. The new measure would combine the Senate’s bill, the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, S. 1693 (115), with the House version, H.R. 1865 (115), the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act.

— The groups write: “We do not believe SESTA’s language is workable. We would be happy to help lawmakers parse the differences between the two bills and explore ways to address concerns about FOSTA. But any attempt to simply merge the two bills on the House floor would be an abdication of lawmakers’ responsibility to the victims of sex trafficking. Lawmakers owe it to them to take the time to carefully consider what they are doing. That cannot be done on the House floor, or in conference, or without the expertise of both Judiciary Committees.” Read the full letter here.

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