Analysis Some links on patent reform
I’ve been digging back in on some materials related to patent policy and the case for patent reform, and thought it might be useful to others to post some links to R Street’s work over the years as well as works by other groups. Check them out below.
Publications with R Street scholars:
- Commentary: “Busting the myth that patent reform is a left-wing idea,” by Zach Graves.
- Paper: “Inter partes review as a means to improve patent quality,” by Joe Kane, Charles Duan and Sasha Moss.
- Commentary: “Economic competitiveness doesn’t always mean stronger intellectual property laws,” by Joe Kane and Sasha Moss.
- Amicus curiae brief in support of Respondent: Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group, LLC, et al.
- Paper: “Economic liberty requires patent reform,” by Derek Khanna. Lincoln Network.
- Commentary: “No, the America Invents Act did not cost ‘the economy’ $1 trillion,” by R.J. Lehmann.
- Commentary: “Trump’s patent policy should put America first, not the patent lobby,” by Sasha Moss and Charles Duan.
- Commentary: “USPTO strikes down sippy cup design patent,” by R.J. Lehmann.
- Video: “How should libertarians think about intellectual property?” Feat. R Street Institute, Mercatus Center, Cato Institute, FreedomWorks, Reason Magazine.
- Video: “The U.S. Patent System is Broken.” Feat. Nick Gillespie and Derek Khanna.
Publications by other center-right groups:
- Paper: “Low-Hanging Fruit Guarded by Dragons: Reforming Regressive Regulation to Boost U.S. Economic Growth,” By Brink Lindsey. Cato Institute.
- Paper: “Still a Protectionist Trade Remedy: The Case for Repealing Section 337,” by Bill Watson. Cato Institute.
- Paper: “Handbook for Policymakers, 7th Edition.” Cato Institute.
- Commentary: “Conservatives Wrong to Oppose Patent Reform,” by William Watkins. Independent Institute.
- Book: “Patent Trolls Predatory Litigation and the Smothering of Innovation,” by William Watkins. Independent Institute.
- Commentary: “The True Story of How the Patent Bar Captured a Court and Shrank the Intellectual Commons,” by Eli Dourado. Mercatus Center.
- Video: “Intellectual Property and First Principles.” Cato Institute.
- Video: “A comprehensive look at patent reform in the 114th Congress.” American Enterprise Institute.
- Paper: “A Balanced Approach to Patent Reform: Addressing the Patent-Troll Problem Without Stifling Innovation,” by John Malcolm and Andrew Kloster. Heritage Foundation.
- Commentary: “The Number of Patents Has Exploded Since 1982, and One Court Is to Blame,” by Eli Dourado. Mercatus Center.
- Book: “The Captured Economy,” by Brink Lindsey and Steven Teles.
Academic and government publications:
- Report: “Inter Partes Review of Patents: Innovation Issues.” Congressional Research Service.
- Report: “Patent Law: A Primer and Overview of Emerging Issues.” Congressional Research Service.
- Report: “Patent Office Should Define Quality, Reassess Incentives, and Improve Clarity.” Government Accountability Office.
- Report: “Survey of U.S. Patent Examiners.” Government Accountability Office.
- Paper: “Inter Partes Review and the Design of Post-Grant Patent Reviews,” by Colleen Chien and Christian Helmers. Stanford Technology Law Review.
- Paper: “The Myth of the Sole Inventor,” by Mark Lemley. Stanford Public Law Working Paper.
- Paper: “Valuable Patents,” by John Allison, Mark Lemley, Kimberly Moore, R. Derek Trunkey. Georgetown Law Journal.