Scalise Introduces Bill Protecting Smart Device Users From Being Involuntarily Recorded
We applaud the leadership of Representative Scalise in introducing the EAVESDROP Act. This bill would empower users of voice-activated technologies such as smart speakers by allowing them to opt-out of ambient noise recording. While the precise scoping of the proposal warrants further discussion, including the frequency of notices and the definition of covered technologies, this bill is an excellent starting point. We particularly appreciate that it strikes a delicate balance between empowering consumers and avoiding innovation-stifling regulations. The EAVESDROP Act recognizes and reflects current industry best practices in the standards it sets, using existing deceptive practices authority at the Federal Trade Commission for effective but not over-reaching enforcement. Its safe harbor provision also creates room for industry to lead without absolving government of its responsibility. Overall, the bill uses thoughtful and innovative mechanisms to put technology users in charge of their experiences,” said Chris Riley, Resident Senior Fellow, R Street Institute.