Don’t include CISA in omnibus
Today, R Street joined the Niskanen Center, FreedomWorks and TechFreedom in a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., opposing any attempt to add CISA (the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act) to the House’s version of the omnibus-spending package.
As we and the nation’s top technologists have stated consistently, CISA’s provisions are unlikely to improve the government’s ability to detect, intercept and thwart cybersecurity attacks. They will, however, decrease accountability and damage public trust.
This legislation would create broad, undefined data-collection capabilities, even as Congress and the American public have pushed for greater rule of law and accountability at the intersection of national security and privacy.
There is no need to rush such controversial proposals into law and they certainly should not be addressed by a last-minute, end-of-year omnibus bill.
For more information about our concerns with CISA, please see the review R Street’s Mike Godwin conducted of the proposal here.