
Data privacy and security are among the nation’s most pressing issues. Agreement over the need for a federal data privacy and security law continues to increase, yet progress is still needed to make this a reality. Without comprehensive legislation, we are at risk of economic, national security and consumer harms.

Over the past year, R Street Institute’s Cyber Team, led by Tatyana Bolton, the Belfer Center’s Cyber Project, led by Lauren Zabierek, and Cory Simpson, senior advisor on the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, have worked to understand what it’s going to take to pass a federal data security and privacy law. Together, they have participated in over 130 engagements with stakeholders of all backgrounds, allowing them to identify areas of consensus and offer recommendations.

Join us for a discussion of the initial recommendations, including how to galvanize ongoing momentum surrounding legislation and help achieve a middle ground.


For more: 

The Path to Reaching Consensus for Federal Data Security and Privacy Legislation

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