Policy Studies Clean Slate

The Case for Clean Slate in Louisiana

Key Points

Clean Slate is a policy that automates record clearances, often taking expungement laws that already exist and making them accessible. Right now, only 6.5% of eligible individuals apply for expungements because of lack of access, knowledge, and funds to pay for the cumbersome process.
Expungements are incredibly beneficial to individuals, and help ease the path to employment, housing and other opportunities. Without expungement, individuals and their families are often condemned, because of the stigma of a record, to lifelong poverty.
Automation will save the Pelican state costs in the long-run, and improves public safety by giving deserving individuals a second chance.

Louisiana currently has an opportunity to pass Second Chance policies, which will be more important than ever in a post-pandemic world.

Image credit: BrunoWeltmann

Press release: Why Clean Slate Legislation is the Next Step for Louisiana

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