External Policy Studies Competition Policy

The World Needs More Lawyers


Shoshana Weissmann
Director, Digital Media; Fellow
Daniel Greenberg
General Counsel, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Luke Wake
Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation
Braden Boucek
Director of Litigation, Southeastern Legal Foundation
Jonathan Riches
Director of National Litigation, Goldwater Institute

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For general and media inquiries and to book our experts, please contact: pr@rstreet.org

This report was originally authored for the Regulatory Transparency Project at The Federalist Society.

Executive Summary

The American legal profession, as well as those it serves, would benefit from lowering the barriers to entry to the practice of law. Several licensing barriers unnecessarily contribute to the high cost of legal services, which inhibit access to justice for ordinary Americans. In some respects, legal licensure is categorically distinct from the licensure of other highly regulated professions. This suggests that a particular focus on legal licensure may be appropriate. We therefore explore the implications of modest reforms that would advance the public interest, with an eye to the encouragement of competitive markets in legal services, and the protection and preservation of the fiduciary nature of legal services.

Read the full study here or on the Regulatory Transparency Project’s website.