Why Clean Slate Embodies Conservative Values
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[Moderator] Jason Pye, Vice President, Due Process Institute (Bio.)
Reginald Darby, Federal Legislative Director, Clean Slate Initiative (Bio.)
Frank Russo, Associate General Counsel, CPAC’s Nolan Center for Justice (Bio.)
Jillian Snider, Policy Director for Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties, R Street Institute (Bio.)
Patrick Purtill, Director of Legislative Affairs, Faith & Freedom Coalition (Bio.)
Join us for a virtual staff briefing via Zoom on Monday, December 9th at 1:00 pm to hear from leading conservative voices in the criminal legal reform movement. Panelists will discuss how Republican lawmakers can take the lead on economic growth and public safety by supporting federal second chance legislation like the Clean Slate Act (H.R.2930 / S.5266) and the Fresh Start Act (H.R.2983). Furthermore, the panel will highlight how these bills are commonsense, data driven solutions that are in line with conservative policy values. There will also be introductory remarks for the briefing from a surprise Republican congressional leader!