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Structural Election Reform: What Is Happening in the States?


Kevin R. Kosar, [Moderator] Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Matt Germer, Associate Director, Governance Program, R Street Institute

Kevin Johnson, Executive Director, Election Reformers Network

Gene Krebs, Former Representative, Ohio House of Representatives


A bipartisan bill recently introduced in the Wisconsin legislature would enact final-five voting for state elections. Next year’s mayoral election in Burlington, Vermont, will be conducted using ranked-choice voting. And Idaho citizens may be voting in 2024 on a ballot initiative to consider opening its partisan primaries.

Various states, counties, and municipalities are enacting systemic election reforms, aiming to improve governance by altering the incentives of candidates running for elected office. These reforms include preferential voting (e.g., ranked-choice voting), open primaries, jungle primaries and runoff elections, proportional representation, and nonpartisan redistricting.

Where are these reforms occurring, and what concerns are prompting these changes? Join AEI’s Kevin R. Kosar and a panel of experts for a discussion on how efforts to enact systemic election reforms might shape the future of American politics.

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