Time4:00PM5:00PM EST Location3590 Nebraska Ave NW, Kerwin Hall 302, Washington, D.C., 20016
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Fmr. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R): Bringing Innovation and an Entrepreneurial Approach to State Government


Shoshana Weissmann
Director, Digital Media; Fellow
Doug Ducey
Former Arizona Governor (R)


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From American University’s Sine Institute of Policy and Politics:

Bringing Innovation and an Entrepreneurial Approach to State Government
When Governor Ducey took office in 2015, the state was facing a $1 billion deficit, state agencies had amassed massive backlogs and long wait times, and the state’s economy relied primarily on call centers and construction.

During his campaign for governor, Ducey committed to shrinking state government and growing the economy — and he delivered. Eight years into his administration, Arizona has more citizens, the budget is balanced, the economy is strong, the state is a top destination for companies, and government is more efficient than it’s ever been.

Today, Arizona sits atop a $5 billion budget surplus, with over $1 billion in the rainy day fund, the lowest flat tax in the nation and an Aa1 credit rating. Arizona is now a hot spot for new companies from across the globe – car manufacturers, autonomous vehicles, tech start-ups, and world-class semiconductors – as it celebrates the expansion of companies like TSMC, Intel and Lucid.

State agencies, like the Department of Child Safety, have eliminated backlogs and the Arizona Department of Transportation’s motor vehicle division wait times are down to an average of 20 minutes per customer. Under Governor Ducey’s leadership, the state has passed countless first-in-the-nation policy reforms including universal occupational licensing, the American civics act, and the “gold standard” for school choice reform.

Many credit Arizona’s record growth to Governor Ducey’s strong entrepreneurial leadership, and his focus on efficient government and innovative policy solutions.