Fr0m The Score:

On The Score this week, we hear about what changes we can expect if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed as the successor to Anthony Kennedy on the U.S. Supreme Court. A policy analyst from the R Street Institute brings us up to speed on efforts toward criminal justice reform. And a man with a remarkable list of professional accomplishments suggests ways to make government both smaller and more efficient.


Here’s a topic that the Supreme Court might have an opinion about: criminal justice reform. I had an opportunity to discuss this subject with Jesse Kelley, a former criminal defense attorney from Alabama who now is a policy analyst with the R Street Institute in Washington. It’s a wide-ranging topic, starting with prison reforms (like reducing solitary confinement) and extending to bans on felons obtaining professional licenses for occupations like barbering and interior design — not to mention changes in drug laws in an era of popular opposition to marijuana prohibition.

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