The Protecting Kids On Social Media Act Is A Terrible Alternative To KOSA
Third, verification mechanisms will invariably stumble when dealing with a variety of non-traditional families. It’s unclear how age verification and parent/guardian consent will function for children with different last names than a parent, those in foster care, and those whose guardians are other relatives. Children who, unfortunately, don’t have an obvious caregiver to act as a parent in the first place will likely be forced off these important spaces entirely. Though it’s not explicit in the bill, if a person violates the law by misrepresenting their identity—say, if you’re a minor pretending to be a parent because you don’t have an obvious caregiver—you could be charged with a federal criminal offense, a charge that is otherwise rare against children. The end result of these complex requirements are is that a huge number of young people—particularly the most vulnerable—would likely lose access to social media platforms, which can play a critical role for young people in accessing resources and support in a wide variety of circumstances.