From R Street Institute:

Moderator: Tonya Riley, Cybersecurity Reporter, CyberScoop


Allan Friedman, Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce

Camille Stewart, Global Head of Product Security, Google; Cyber Fellow, Harvard Belfer Center

Jeanette Manfra, Director of Risk & Compliance, Google Cloud; Former Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, Department of Homeland Security

Bryson Bort, Founder & CEO, SCYTHE; Senior Fellow, The R Street Institute

The Biden administration’s release last month of a new cyber executive order was praised as a critical tool in strengthening federal network security. Now comes the arguably bigger task: defining how the executive order (EO) will play out in the real world. On Monday, June 21, our distinguished panel of experts discussed how the EO should move from policy to implementation—and where the next major policy battles and controversies lie.

We discussed how the software bill of materials (SBOM) developed over time, how industry is preparing to comply with new government regulations and what the Biden administration’s new policy priorities should be.

We also dived into the harder questions—whether the Cyber Safety Review Board can be designed with enough teeth to make a real impact, how the next steps taken by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will ultimately define the EO’s efficacy and what the limits are in the oft-cited “public private partnership.”

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