From CBS News:

“Anyone can, and should, learn to code,” said Bryson Bort, CEO of cybersecurity firm Scythe. “But not being able to use cloud infrastructure is going to be a real problem — cloud providers have earned their reputation with scalable technical expertise, not just words. Cloud services provide a good measure of service continuity and performance. There is a lot built into a cloud service, as opposed to the DIY approach of building your own server farm.”

A Trump site is going to get hacked, said Bryson Bort.

“It’s likely that a social media network backed by Trump would be a plum target for a whole list of attackers, from other countries to hacktivists just trying to take it down with denial of service attacks,” Bort said. “The more the Trump team tries to go this on their own instead of using industry-leading best practices, the more likely they’re going to get hacked.”

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