Who’s who in federal marijuana reform and legalization
Cannabis Freedom Alliance (CFA)
Year founded: 2021
Organization type: “CFA is not an organization but instead a coalition of groups that have a shared vision for federal cannabis reform.”
Agenda/mission: “End the prohibition and criminalization of cannabis in the United States in a manner consistent with helping all Americans achieve their full potential and limiting the number of barriers that inhibit innovation and entrepreneurship in a free and open market.”
Specific policy goals:
- Descheduling and criminal justice reform.
- Reentry for individuals who were formerly incarcerated, or current gray-market operators, so they can participate in the legal marijuana market.
- Promoting entrepreneurship in free and open markets.
- Competitive and reasonable tax rates.
Bills endorsed or candidates supported: States Reform Act.
Membership base/noteworthy members, contributors, backers: Charles Koch, Americans for Prosperity, Reason Foundation, Global Alliance for Cannabis Commerce, The Weldon Project, Law Enforcement Action Partnership, R Street Institute, End it for Good, Students for Liberty, Taxpayers Protection Alliance, Consumer Choice Center.
Interstate commerce: Supports. “Congress ought to facilitate free and open interstate commerce as there is with most other commercial products in the U.S. and not place the cannabis industry in a second-tier status merely to lock in the competitive advantages some operators have in states with a limited number of licenses.”