From National Journal:

But this state of af­fairs may not last for long. Con­gres­sion­al Re­pub­lic­ans say they’re work­ing to amend FTC’s charter to bridge the reg­u­lat­ory gap between it and the FCC, adding that they may work that pro­vi­sion in­to a broad­er net-neut­ral­ity bill now un­der dis­cus­sion. Re­pub­lic­an FCC Chair­man Ajit Pai says his com­mis­sion re­tains the power to en­force broad­band pri­vacy on a case-by-case basis. State gov­ern­ments have broad lee­way in their abil­ity to in­vest­ig­ate and pro­sec­ute com­plaints brought by broad­band users. And Min­nesota and sev­er­al oth­er states have already sought to en­act their own pri­vacy pro­tec­tions aimed at lim­it­ing in­ter­net-ser­vice pro­viders.

“We have op­tions,” said Caleb Wat­ney, a tech-policy as­so­ci­ate at the free-mar­ket ori­ented R Street. “We’re not in this black hole, cer­tainly.”

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