In modern American politics, each and every slip, gaffe and poor choice of words is judged and scrutinized hundreds of times over. In some instances, honest mistakes are blown out of context simply to push the media cycle. President George W. Bush was routinely targeted for his rhetorical miscues, but Vice President Joe Biden continues to commit interesting verbal stumbles.

Most recently, Biden referred to bankers who exploit soldiers as “Shylocks.”

His infamous remark that Republicans will put black Americans “back in chains” made headlines around the nation.

Biden claimed that one could not go to a convenience store in Delaware unless he or she had a “slight Indian accent.”

On the campaign trail in South Carolina, Biden argued that he could effectively debate southern politicians because Delaware “was a slave state.”

During his 1988 presidential bid, Biden aggressively defended his academic record and invited a reporter to an IQ comparison.

When asked about Obama in 2008, Biden referred to then-candidate Obama as a “sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean….”

Biden asked state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is confined to a wheelchair, to stand up.

Discussing economic plans, Biden highlighted the importance of the three letter word “J-O-B-S.”

In the stimulus debate, Biden asserted that spending money was necessary to avoid bankruptcy.

Biden noted that even if the president and vice president do everything right, there is still a 30 percent chance they get it wrong.

Vice President Biden also commented on self defense with a firearm.

Everyone makes mistakes, and politicians are no exception. The only difference is that they commit errors on a much larger stage. Should Biden be held harmless for his stumbles or are they evidence of troubling personal perspectives and abject carelessness?

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