Dear Chairman Upton and Ranking Member Pallone:

The undersigned organizations encourage you, as soon as possible, to hold a Committee hearing on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). We believe the RFS is in critical need of immediate attention, and your Committee, as the committee of jurisdiction, is the best venue in which to examine this flawed statute’s numerous failures and to consider legislative solutions.

Due to widespread public concerns with the serious unintended consequences of the RFS mandate, there is growing bipartisan interest among lawmakers in exploring how to fix this broken statute. Indeed, nearly 120 Members have cosponsored legislation in the House of Representatives to either repeal the RFS outright or to reform it significantly, and last year 189 Members sent a letter to EPA requesting a waiver from the statutory volumes.

The growing interest in the RFS is also evidenced by the fact that, between the House and Senate, there have been seven hearings on the law since 2014, six of which were held in committees which do not have jurisdiction over the RFS. These hearings have aired significant concerns with the RFS, from problems with the manner in which the statute has been administered, to the unintended consequences for food costs, conservation, greenhouse gas emissions, consumer engines, fuel costs and competitive markets. Moreover, the RFS’ costs are borne not only domestically, but also globally.

The Energy and Commerce Committee has already undertaken a substantive review of the program through its white papers and hearings in 2013. However, there have been significant events in the past three years, including EPA action to propose and withdraw rules in 2014, EPA’s decision last year to waive the RFS, and EPA’s indication that it plans to increase the volumes in the future. In addition, EPA activity on approving pathways, ongoing fraud in the Renewable Identification Number market, and issues related to post-2022 volumes deserve Congressional attention.

An Energy & Commerce Committee hearing on the RFS in the near future would be timely and welcomed by this broad group of stakeholders. We look forward to working with you on this matter in the coming weeks. Thank you for your consideration.


ActionAid USA

American Bakers Association

American Frozen Food Institute

American Highway Users Alliance

American Motorcyclist Association

American Sportfishing Association

Association of Kentucky Fried Chicken Franchisees


California Dairy Campaign

Clean Air Task Force

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

Franchise Management Advisory Council

Georgia Poultry Federation

Idaho Dairymen’s Association

International Dairy Foods Association

Marine Retailers Association of the Americas

Milk Producers Council

National Association of Egg Farmers

National Chicken Council

National Council of Chain Restaurants

National Grocers Association

National Marine Manufacturers Association

National Restaurant Association

National Taxpayers Union

National Turkey Federation

North American Meat Institute

Oregon Dairy Farmers Association

Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association

R Street Institute

SNAC International

South East Dairy Farmers Association

Southeastern Meat Association

Southeast Milk, Inc.

Specialty Equipment Market Association

Taxpayers for Common Sense

Western United Dairymen

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