From ABC News:

Over 20 years ago, he was part of an investigation into a sitting president and senior counsel to Ken Starr. Now, Paul Rosenzweig joins “The Investigation” co-hosts Chris Vlasto and Katherine Faulders, and calling the impeachment trial of President Trump a “watershed moment in American history” and summarizing the Senate leadership’s strategy as “very simple to move as fast as they can…avoid as much evidence as possible.” But Rosenzweig, who currently serves as resident senior fellow of the National Security and Cyber Security Program at the R Street Institute, cautions against comparing this era to the time of Clinton: “The comparison…is kind of apples to clouds…[in] which every assertion of executive privilege was eventually overcome.” Later, ABC News chief White House correspondent and co-host of the “Powerhouse Politics” podcast Jonathan Karl shares his latest reporting on the White House response and his own prediction that the Senate trial will last “two weeks or less,” largely due to “impeachment fatigue in the country.”

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