Dear Chairman Jeffries:

On behalf of 16 transparency and accountability organizations, we request you make the current rules for the Democratic
Caucus of the House of Representatives publicly available on your website.

Just as publication of the rules for the House of Representatives is
necessary for government accountability, so too is publication of the caucus
rules. Public access empowers understanding
of legislative branch
activities, provides essential detail on how you govern,
and exemplifies your commitment to open government. For this reason, we
join the civil society members who reached out to you last week on this matter
in calling for the publication of the caucus

rules adopted by the Democratic caucus have a significant impact on the
legislative process. We note that the House Republican conference rules
includes a requirement for their online publication, which the conference has
satisfied these past few Congresses.

thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this matter. Should any
questions arise, please contact Daniel Schuman, policy director, Demand
Progress Education Fund, at
[email protected]
or 240-237-3930.

Sincerely yours,

Campaign for Liberty

Center for Responsive Politics

Coalition to Reduce Spending

Demand Progress Education Fund

Government Accountability Project

Government Information Watch

Issue One

Lincoln Network

Open the Government

Project On Government Oversight

Public Citizen

R Street Institute

Taxpayers for
Common Sense Transparency International

cc: Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer

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