To aid legal, media and policy discussions about ongoing issues in the worlds of music licensing and copyright, R Street has prepared what we hope will prove a handy glossary of terms, overview of case law and primer on relevant legislation all relating to the topics.

We understand music licensing is a complex and sometimes arcane issue and we want to help simplify it as much as possible. Consider them the equivalent of a grown-up Ovaltine secret decoder ring and keep them available as you read more on the topic. We have provided full-text access to all relevant case law and legislation.

These pages will be “living” documents — as new developments in the field transpire, we will post new link within the appropriate categories. Also, we intend for them to serve as hubs for articles on the topic both by R Street and by our allies and colleagues.

This has been a collaborative effort and will continue to be so long as Taylor Swift is still relevant and David Byrne is still alive. Or until there is more transparency in the system of royalty distribution, which could take awhile.

Pass it along to your friends. The more educated we all are on the basics of the topic, the more we can help improve and progress dialogue.

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